Complete schoolwork, catch up on missing assignments and receive extra help from our student support, if needed. Students are asked to bring their school laptop and charging device every day to PASS.
Participate in daily, small psycho-educational groups that help develop important life skills in the focus areas of: emotional-regulation, communication and social skills, mindfulness, goal setting, problem solving and restorative justice strategies.
Meet individually with our mental health clinician to be assessed for anxiety, depression, trauma and substance use. Our clinician is available throughout the week for students to process any challenge or struggle they might be facing during their course of enrollment.
Upon completion of the program, schools and parent/guardians can expect the following:
A re-entry video meeting with school, parent/guardian, student and PASS clinician to discuss the student’s engagement, what they learned/observed during their time at PASS and recommendations from the clinician.
An email with a re-entry document addressing the above, in addition to: student identified positive supports (both in and out of school) and clinical treatments and/or wellness strategies recommended by the mental health clinician.
Schools and parent/guardians will receive a 30 day follow-up survey to address the behavior and attendance of the student post PASS, as well as follow through with the recommendations.
Parent/guardians will receive a 3 month and 6 month follow-up survey to address the follow through with clinical recommendations. PASS will provide any additional resources or support for families in need.
PASS is a crucial entry point to helpful and supportive services. Many continue on to our APG program that addresses treatment and recovery – effectively closing the gap in services by providing access to a comprehensive continuum of professional care.